Powercore 360's Programs provide athletes with step-by-step instructions to increase their rotational power and speed.


How to Hit A Baseball or Softball


Our "How to Hit a Baseball or Softball Program" is a great starting point for athletes who want to learn the power swing basics quickly without having to learn much about the body or baseball and softball. It's a great way for parents and coaches to teach a foundation for a highly effective power swing.

Baseball or Softball Power Hitting Program


Our 30 day Baseball or Softball "Power Hitting Program" is a step-by-step guide to increase bat speed and unlock the potential that the body has to hit with greater power. We have different levels for athletes of most all ages and experience. Good for at home or on the field training.

Baseball or Softball Advanced Power Hitting Program


Our Advanced Baseball or Softball "Power Hitting Program" is a step-by-step guide to hitting power and increase bat speed for athletes 15+ years of age. Good for at home or on the field training.

Baseball Arm Care & Core Strength Program


Our Baseball or Softball Overhand "Arm Care & Core Strength Program" is a step-by-step guide to train arm care and core strength for pitchers as a pre-requisite for safely increasing arm speed. We have different levels for athletes for specific ages and experience. Good for at home or on the field training.

Hip & Shoulder Separation Program


Our Hip & Shoulder Separation Program was developed to specifically increase power to hit and throw with greater bat & arm speed. This program quickly and safely increases hip and shoulder mobility and stability, which are pre-requisites for increased power & speed. Great general application for any Baseball and Softball player, age 15 and older.

Baseball & Softball Power Circuit Program


Our Baseball or Softball "Power Circuit Program" improves specific strength, power & speed to improve arm, bat & foot speed. Designed for athletes 13 & older. This program uses common strength training tools (i.e., resistance bands & med balls) commonly found in most any training facility. These exercises can be performed at home, on the field or at a training facility. This program is a digital download that can be viewed on a smart phone, a tablet or on a computer.

Our Arm & Shoulder Strength Program is used by ANY athlete who throws or hits a ball overhead:

  • Teaches the throwing motion in 3 simple repeatable steps.
  • Strengthens all of the muscles of the arm & shoulder that are responsible for developing ideal throwing mechanics and increasing arm & ball velocity.
  • Prevents injury to the rotator cuff, shoulder labrum and other injury prone tissues commonly injured with overhead throwing or hitting athletes.

Designed for athletes 13 & older. This program uses PC360's Arm Strength & Velocity Trainer and optionally the PC360 Torso Trainer. These exercises can be performed at home, on the field or at a training facility. This program is a digital download that can be viewed on a smart phone, a tablet or on a computer.

Arm & Shoulder Strength Program (for Baseball, Football, Lacrosse, Softball, Football)


Volleyball Hip & Shoulder Separation Program


Our Hip & Shoulder Separation Program was developed to specifically address the strength, mobility, stability and power needs for many volleyball hitters. Great general applications for all Volleyball players, ages 15 and up, to safely increase hitting power and arm speed.

Volleyball Power Hitting Program


The PC360 Effortless Power®, Power Hitting Program is for volleyball players, ages 12 and up, to safely increase hitting power and arm speed. This program teaches and trains biomechanically sound, foundational power hitting mechanics that improve hitting power and arm speed while reducing the risk of injury to the shoulders, arm, back and knees.

This program focuses on the mechanics only and does NOT require the use of any PC360 training products or equipment.

Volleyball Power Hitting, Arm Speed & Vertical Jump Circuit Program


Our Volleyball "Power Circuit Program" improves specific strength, power & speed to improve hitting power, arm speed & vertical jump. Designed for athletes 13 & older. This program uses common strength training tools (i.e., resistance bands & med balls) commonly found in most any training facitlity. These exercises can be performed at home, on the field or at a training facility. This program is a digital download that can be viewed on a smart phone, a tablet or on a computer.

Volleyball Power Hitting, Arm Patterning Program


This program works to teach, correct and strengthen the ideal arm & shoulder motion as related to volleyball power hitting. This program focuses on the proper use & movement of the shoulder blade (scapula) and hitting arm, and also provides numerous highly effective strengthening exercises to improve shoulder strength and power, while reducing injury risk.

Golf Effortless Power Program


Our Golf Effortless Power Program increases your ability to turn your hips, spine and shoulders so you can increase your club-head speed and the resulting distance, accuracy & consistency.

Golf Effortless Power - Activation Program


Do these golf-swing specific exercises before you practice or play to activate the muscles responsible for developing power & consistency in the golf swing.

These exercise will take 10-20 minutes to perform and will improve your ability to turn your body to perform the movements of the golf swing effortlessly.